General Science Links

  1. is under constant construction. Everything you ever wanted to know about AP and then some. There will be a student and a teacher level access for this site. The latest course descriptions and free response questions with rubrics and sample student responses for the 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002 (including “B form”) exams are available here. Most AP subjects have list serves which may be subscribed to here. The “Teachers’ Corner” contains all kinds of interesting information including reviews of print and web resources.  Professional development opportunities are updated and displayed daily.
  2. The B.C. ministry of education site is This site includes B.C. Provincial Exams in all subjects, including chemistry, biology and physics. It also provides for the download of a very nice chemistry “data booklet” which includes seven different tables. The B.C. exams are written four times a year (Jan, June, Nov or Apr and Aug). Exams and keys for several years along with their statistics may be downloaded and printed. Topic areas for chemistry include kinetics, equilibrium, solutions and solubility, acids and bases, and electrochemistry. Exams include multiple choice and written response questions. This site has won international acclaim.
  3. The staff and students from Heritage Park Secondary in Mission B.C. have created a site for practice with the B.C. grade 12 curriculum in biology, chemistry, physics and math. It allows students to take mini-tests on specific topic areas from each of these provincially examinable courses. The address for the site is The U.S. science supply company, Flinn Scientific hosts
  4. The U.S. science supply company, Flinn Scientific hosts This is an awesome site with links to Chemistry, Biology, Earth/Enviro, Physics and General Science.  The chemistry page links to great demonstrations, common chemistry questions, Mole Day ideas and teachers’ favorite web sites. There are also loads of great products you can order through Flinn. Unfortunately, virtually none of their products involving chemicals are allowed across the border.
  5. What’s That Stuff? can be found at  This interesting site is sponsored by the American Chemical Society and contains interesting information for students from elementary through AP levels.
  6. A wonderful resource for middle school teachers is There are loads of resources for parents students and teachers. Teachers may design and submit on line quizzes which are graded by the site. There is an annual fee associated with this site of $29.95 U.S. (thirty day free trial).
  7. WOW – Quia (key-ah) Web is an awesome resource for elementary, middle and junior secondary students and teachers. Like Funbrain, it allows you to design quizzes which may be written, scored and tracked on-line. It also allows you to create educational activities and games using Jeopardy or Pyramid type formats. You can also make web pages and post surveys. There is an annual fee of $49 U.S. Sign up for thirty days free at
  8. Loads of great ideas for in-class demonstrations can be found at Bassam Shakhashiri’s site,  A special section covers demo’s that can be done at home.
  9. Purchase all kinds of unique science stuff from Educational Innovations. Their web site is The site also features some good links, including one to the Grand Illusions.
  10. Pete’s Power Point Station is loaded with free power point presentations, many of which are useful for middle school and junior science, along with some great senior stuff as well.  There are also lots of worksheets and interactive tools.  A veritable plethora of materials for teachers of any subject.  (Social studies, math and language teachers just click on the home link and start all over again!).